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Abstract (English):
Abstract. In the context of the development of digital technologies and the increasing number of internet users worldwide, internet marketing becomes a powerful tool for attracting and retaining the target audience. For rural areas, the application of internet marketing can significantly enhance the attractiveness and accessibility of agritourism destinations and offerings. Purpose of article is to identify effective internet marketing methods for stimulating agritourism in rural areas. Methods. The study employs analytical and empirical methods, including a review and analysis of existing internet marketing methods such as SEO, content marketing, social media, and email marketing, and their adaptation to agritourism. The study also includes the analysis of successful cases and provides practical recommendations for integrating internet marketing into the development strategy of agritourism. Results. Strategies are identified for creating unique and attractive tourism products that meet the demands of modern tourists and support the sustainable development of rural areas. The study examines aspects of content development that reflect the uniqueness and authenticity of rural regions, including the creation of visual and textual materials, videos, and virtual tours. Special attention is given to the role of social media in promoting agritourism products, which allows for direct communication with potential tourists, creating a loyal community, and improving the reputation of tourism destinations. The impact of reviews and ratings on tourists' decision-making is also analyzed, and methods for managing online reputation are proposed. Scientific novelty. The article presents a new concept for integrating internet marketing into agritourism, which can become a valuable contribution to the practices of regional management structures and entrepreneurs. Unique approaches to the creation and promotion of agritourism products are considered, the importance of integrating Internet marketing into the overall strategy for the development of agritourism in rural areas is emphasized, which helps attract more tourists, support local communities, create jobs and preserve cultural heritage. Special attention is given to the use of data analytics and offer personalization to increase tourist engagement and improve their experience.

marketing perspectives, agribusiness, pace, agriculture, agribusiness marketing
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