Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the research is to study and comparatively evaluate the composition of oligosaccharides in soybean grains of varieties selected by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean for targeted use in the production of feed, food products and functional ingredients. Materials and methods. 16 soybean varieties bred by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean, included in the State Register of Breeding Achievements of the Russian Federation and grown in 2021–2022 in the breeding fields of the institution, were selected as study objects. Biochemical analysis was performed using capillary electrophoresis and near-infrared (NIR) spectrometry. Results. It was established that, based on the totality of the characteristics under study, the most promising raw materials for the production of functional ingredients were the Statnaya, Topaz and Bonus varieties. In addition to an increased protein content in the grain (40.1 to 41.6 %), these varieties were characterized by a high level of raffinose family oligosaccharides (RFOs), the total concentration of which was in the range of 4.67 to 5.11 g / 100 g. Varieties have been identified that significantly exceed the average value of sucrose content in the grain: Evgeniya (7.80 g/100 g), Charodeyka (7.84 g / 100 g), Zolushka (7.17 g / 100 g), while the Zolushka and Evgeniya varieties were characterized by a favorable ratio of sucrose to RFOs (1 : 1.81…1.92) and were most preferred for the production of food products and feed. Significant positive correlations were observed between the content of protein and stachyose (r = 0.50), protein and RFOs (r = 0.52). A high positive correlation was established between the weight of 1,000 grains and the concentration of sucrose (r = 0.68), which indicated the possibility of breeding varieties with a high sucrose content for food and feed purposes. Scientific novelty. The composition of oligosaccharides (sucrose, stachyose, raffinose) in soybean grains of varieties selected by the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Soybean and their variability depending on the main physicochemical indicators were studied. The most promising varieties were identified that could be used with regard to the directions as food raw materials and breeding materials.

soybean grain, varieties, oligosaccharides, sucrose, raffinose, stachyose
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