from 01.01.2008 until now
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The problem of ensuring a sustainable process of reproduction of resources in agriculture and the formation of physical and economic accessibility of products becomes multi-purpose. It is substantiated that reproduction parameters are of fundamental importance for creating conditions for equilibrium in production and consumption of products at the level of rational nutritional standards. Profitability was used as a key indicator summarizing the socio-economic burden of reproduction. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the level of profitability that ensures an increase in production per capita to the level of rational consumption standards. Subject of research: physical and economic accessibility of products. Research methods. analytical calculations and econometric modeling (carried out by region), experimental calculations (carried out in the Penza region). Results showed that for a number of product groups, simultaneously with the growth of profitability, the average per capita level of production increases and, often, the growth of the average per capita level of consumption is restrained. The increase in the profitability of agricultural business is largely achieved by reducing the purchasing power of household income. To plan the necessary transformations in the process of ensuring a balanced formation of aspects of food security, models were built to describe the level of production per capita. An assessment of the elasticity parameters of the obtained functionals showed that in order to stimulate production, along with an increase in per capita demand, it is advisable to increase the cost recovery. Scientific novelty. The provisions of the theory of reproduction in agriculture are supplemented with knowledge about the quantitative characteristics of the triune growth of demand, supply and profitability necessary to ensure physical accessibility in the region while achieving economic accessibility of products at the level of rational consumption standards, taking into account the territorial factor. Scientific developments are useful to participants in strategic planning of the agro-industrial complex as a means of supporting decision-making in the goal-setting process.
physical accessibility, economic accessibility, rational consumption standards, strategic parameters, product offering models, sustainable reproduction, level of profitability, agri-food sector
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