Rubrics: BIOLOGY
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Abstract (English):
Abstract. To realize the genetic potential of dairy cows with high productivity, the qualitative composition of the feed is of key importance. The purpose of this study is the effectiveness of publicly available feed additives – “Carbohydrate-protein mixture” (1st experiment) and “Protected fat” Energizer Gold (2nd experiment) on the productivity of Kholmogory cows, on the content of fat and protein in milk, on the functional state of animals, including taking into account the bloodline of the Holstein breed. Methods. Scientific and production experiments were carried out by the pair-analogue method on 40 lactating cows of the Kholmogory breed of Agrofirma Kholmogorskaya LLC, Arkhangelsk region. The scientific novelty consists in obtaining new knowledge about the effect of feed not only on productivity and fat and protein content in milk, but also on the functional state of Kholmogory cows, including those with different percentages of Holstein blood. Results. When assessing the average group results of daily milk yield, a positive effect was established from including it in the diet according to the feed recommendations. At the same time, the “Carbohydrate-protein mixture” increases the protein content in milk, no increase in the fat content of milk, stated in the recommendations for the use of “Protected fat”, was noted. A decrease in the fat to protein ratio in milk, reflecting the functional state of the cows, was noted, below the standard results in Experiment 1 already from the second, and in Experiment 2 from the fourth control milking, preserved until the end of the study. The best effect on the studied indicators for both feed additives was noted in the Kholmogory cow breed with less Holstein blood.

Kholmogory breed of cows, feed additives, milk, milk fat, milk protein, bloodlines
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