Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The purpose of the study is to analyze and evaluate the role of a software-innovative approach to the training and use of competitive personnel at enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex in the context of the transition to a new technological structure and the formation of a new production model – Quick Response Manufacturing (QRM). Methods. The article uses comparative theoretical and methodological analysis, dialectic methods (induction, deduction, analysis, synthesis, etc.), program-target and structural-functional methods. Scientific novelty of the study lies in the substantiation of the need for use, as well as in the disclosure of the essence of the program-innovative approach to the training of competitive personnel for regional agro-industrial complex enterprises. Results. The study identified and analyzed the content of a program-innovative approach to the formation and use of competitive personnel for the regional agro-industrial complex. The features of the Ural region and their impact on the competitiveness of enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex are highlighted. The difference between the software-innovative approach and previous approaches to personnel reproduction for enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex is revealed. In particular, the need for a more substantive orientation in the reproduction of personnel has been established, not only on professionalism, but also on the competitiveness of specialists, which is dictated by growing competition and general macroeconomic turbulence and uncertainty. Along with the properties of a competitive specialist already defined in modern science, the study identifies and reveals fundamentally new characteristics that are in demand, such as the ability of specialists to ensure the necessary growth in the reliability, sustainability and efficiency of the enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex themselves. The features of this approach related to the digitalization of the modern economy and personnel management system are identified. The dynamics of the use of various models of personnel management at enterprises of the regional agro-industrial complex and the role of foresight technologies in ensuring the formation and use of competitive personnel are shown. The practical significance of the study is due to the need to seriously adjust the personnel policy of enterprises in the regional agro-industrial complex and develop a new model of personnel management that takes into account the challenges of the time and long-term strategic goals of the socio-economic development of the country and the region.
responsive production, competitive personnel, competition, software-innovative approach, foresight technologies
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