Cultivation of leguminous crops in the Northern Trans-Urals is not developed effectively than the cultivation of grain crops, but by their qualities, legumes are leading in comparison with grains. For the first time in the conditions of the Northern foreststeppe of the Tyumen region, the influence of methods and depth of the main processing on the productivity of leguminous crops-on the germination, preservation and yield of peas, soybeans and chickpea. The most cost-effective was peas. Field germination and plant safety are due to the resistance of the variety to environmental conditions. The indicator of plant safety is important and indicates the degree of tolerance of plants to different environmental conditions. The highest percentage of germination in legumes in the two years of research was observed in pea – 87.1 % otvorenom method of soil treatment (control) for 28 to 30 cm. In the subsurface and differential treatments (ploughing, 28–30 cm) germination rate decreased by 7.8 % and 6.2 % respectively. Germination of chickpea differed from the pea slightly. The decrease in the depth of tillage contributed to a decrease in the germination rate by the dump method by 7.6 %, by the dump method by 5.7 %, by the differentiated method by 2.8 %. Reducing the depth of processing soil in the cultivation of soybeans led to lower germination in otvorenom method by 8.8 %, in the subsurface of 4.3 %, for a differential of 4.2 %. During the cultivation of leguminous crops the highest percentage of preservation of leguminous crops was noted during the cultivation of peas. Reducing the depth of tillage resulted in lower yields of legumes, otvorenom peas and chickpeas to 0.5 t / ha, soybean at 0.4 t / ha; in the subsurface peas and chickpeas to 0.5 t / ha, soybean at 0.3 t / ha; according to the differentiated processing method of the soil peas and chickpeas 0.3 t / ha, soybeans 0.2 t / ha.
tillage, soybean, chickpeas, peas, germination, preservation, productivity of leguminous crops
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