Russian Federation
Abstract. Chrysanthemum × hortorum Bailey is a perennial plant of the Compositae family. Perhaps the most famous and demanded late-flowering culture, which is used both for landscaping the private sector and in the green construction of settlements. However, its use in the soil and climatic conditions of the Bashkir Ural is difficult due to the lack of varieties adapted to local conditions and a reasonable assortment. The aim of the study was a comprehensive assessment of varieties of chrysanthemum from the collection of the South-Ural Botanical Garden of Ufa, taking into account the directions of use. Methods. In accordance with the methodology of E. S. Pidgainaya and other authors plants went through two stages of analysis: at the first stage, the most decorative and stable varieties were identified; on the second, the perspective direction of use of each of them was determined. At the first stage, decorative (decorativeness of a bush, leaves, inflorescences; aroma; variety uniformity; abundance of flowering) and economically valuable (productivity and flowering duration; drought resistance; winter hardiness; resistance to adverse conditions, diseases and pests; intensity of vegetative reproduction) signs were assessed. Results. As a result of the analysis of the decorative qualities of 112 varieties of chrysanthemum, ten were identified (Aktanysh, Anyuta, Belosnezhka, Vecherniye Ogni, Opal, Pektoral, Rozovaya Mechta, Solnechnaya Feyeriya, Solnyshko, Ufimskaya Yubileynaya), which have a high decorative effect of the bush, a weak aroma and are characterized by abundant flowering; they are rated 49–50 points. 84 varieties are rated 40–48 points, they have less abundant flowering and a stronger aroma. According to economically valuable traits, the highest number of points (48–49) was awarded to 4 varieties (Aktanysh, Nezhnaya Muza, Akiwa Yellow, Kurochka Ryaba). The lowest total score (34) belongs to the variety Golden Dukat. As a result of the comprehensive assessment, 106 varieties were classified as highly promising, they scored more than 80 points; six varieties are promising, they are estimated at 60–80 points. Scientific novelty. At the second stage of the analysis, when determining a promising direction of use, it was revealed that most varieties (88) can be recommended for garden use and 25 for container crops.
chrysanthemum, introduction, biology, decorative features, economically valuable qualities, direction of use
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