Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of this scientific study is the production testing of apricot varieties of different origin away from industrial areas and settlements that can have a softening effect on temperature decrease to critical values for culture and the identification of abiotic factors affecting the productivity and regularity of fruiting of apricot varieties of different origin. The study was conducted according to the classical methods of the state strain testing of fruit crops. The planting scheme is 3 × 5 m, the rootstock is sand cherry (Prunus pumila L.). Results and practical significance. The apricot varieties most adapted to specific soil and climatic conditions, capable of bearing fruit 4–5 years out of 7 to varying degrees, have been identified. It has been established that frosts during flowering and ovary growth have the greatest effect on productivity and regularity of fruiting. To the greatest extent, it was possible to unlock the potential of productivity only in the year when frosts on flowering and ovaries did not reach the critical mark of –3 °C. In adapted varieties, the death of flower buds in winter was observed only 1 time in 9 years due to recurrent frosts after thaws. The delay in the beginning of flowering by 2–4 days provided a higher yield for late-flowering varieties in 1 accounting year. The self-fertility of the variety provided an additional 1 year to a yield. Scientific novelty. For the first time in the conditions of the Urals and Siberia, the sensitivity of apricot culture to abiotic factors in production conditions far from industrial and residential areas was demonstrated based on the materials of the state competitive strain testing.

apricot, generative buds, regularity of fruiting, flowering, return early frosts
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