Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Abstract. The purpose of the scientific research is to identify patterns between the development of spice exports in Russia and on the world market. To achieve the goal, the following tasks have been set: 1) to consider the trends in the development of the world structure of exports and imports of spices; 2) identify clusters in the regions of Russia in terms of production and trade indicators and determine the influence of the most significant factors on the dynamics of Russian exports of spices; 3) explore the impact of Russia's export performance on the dynamics of the global spice market. Methods. Economic-statistical, analytical, tabular and graphical methods were used. Correlation-regression analysis was used to identify patterns between the world market and Russian exports of spices. Results. This study identified trends in the development of the global market for flavor products, including an increase in demand for spices by 41 % over the past 5 years. The place of Russia for the analyzed period in the export deliveries of coriander in physical terms was determined. To identify the clusters, the indicator of export localization was used, on the basis of which the regions with export specialization in the supply of coriander to foreign markets were identified. These regions include the Stavropol Territory, whose agricultural producers grow coriander of 99 % purity, that is, fulfilling the criteria of the international standard. The results of the correlation-regression analysis showed that there are patterns associated with the influence of Russian exports of spices on the dynamics of the global market for flavoring products. The article presents obstacles to the development of the spice market on a global scale and measures that contribute to the expansion of the export potential in Russia. The novelty of the results lies in the identification of clusters among Russian regions in the production of coriander and their orientation to the world market, as well as the identification of patterns in the development of spice exports in Russia, including the Stavropol Territory, and the world market, taking into account existing problems.

spices, coriander, export, Russian Federation, Stavropol Territory, countries, price, production
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