Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The article examines the regulatory and legal apparatus of management due to state support of the agricultural sector of the economy. The joining of agricultural farms to educational institutions made it possible to obtain a base of practices for teaching students, but the farm lost the status of an agricultural producer, while the costs did not decrease, but only on the contrary increased due to additional needs for educational purposes. Therefore, the authors raised the question of expanding the types of state support for educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational organizations, which will allow developing and conducting educational activities at a new higher quality level. In accordance with what the purpose of the study was to substantiate the need to improve the mechanism for providing subsidies for the development of educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational institutions. The objectives of the study were: consideration of the types of state support in the field of agro-industrial complex in the international market and in Russia; study of the regulatory framework of the Russian Federation on the research topic; consideration of the procedure for providing state support in the Russian Federation in the field of agro-industrial complex, identifying weaknesses in the procedure for providing state support to educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational institutions. Methods. The research was carried out by general scientific and special methods, in particular, bibliometric, comparative analysis, classification, synthesis, deduction, economic-mathematical and statistical methods. Scientific novelty. The necessity of expanding the types of state support for educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational institutions has been identified. The possibility of a shortfall in income and an increase in expenses for agricultural activities in agricultural educational institutions in connection with the possibility of carrying out agrotechnological work by unskilled personnel (students) as part of their training is proved. This fact should be taken into account in the conditions of allocation of subsidies. The study has direct practical significance because it is focused on improving the quality of education by providing state support and expanding the types of subsidies for educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational institutions. Obtaining a high-quality education by students of agricultural universities primarily solves the personnel issue, since this sector of the economy is one of the most difficult.
state support, agriculture, educational and experimental farms of agricultural educational institutions, subsidies
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