g. Mihaylovsk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Abstract. The article considers the issues of rational use of grass of steppe phytocenoses in their pasture use; the correspondence of pasture capacity and the number of grazed livestock. The purpose of the study is to assess the current state of steppe communities used as pasture lands for grazing existing livestock of large and small cattle and to propose ways to optimize pasture livestock breeding in the arid territory of the Stavropol Territory. Methods. A statistical analysis of the number of cattle and small cattle in the study area was carried out. The expeditionary study of natural herbages was carried out in 2021–2023 on accounting sites (100 m2) according to the requirements of methods generally accepted in phytocenology. The results of the study. Statistical analysis showed that by the beginning of 2000, the number of sheep in the territory under consideration had decreased by 2.6 times, and cattle by 1.6 times. In subsequent years, with the gradual recovery of the livestock industry from the crisis, a steady increase in the number of small and large cattle was noted in this zone to 1306.1 and 74.8 thousand heads, respectively. It was revealed that the vegetation of natural lands used in pasture farming in the arid zone of the Stavropol Territory is secondary, stunted and monotonous in terms of flora composition and plant associations. The capacity of the pasture lands does not correspond to the feed needs of the grazed livestock. At the moment, the shortage of pasture feed is 323.7 thousand tons of feed units. On such pasture lands, animals do not receive food in sufficient quantities. It is recommended to optimize pasture management by limiting the pasture load and bringing the number of grazed livestock in line with the feed capacity of pasture lands. This will help to provide the existing livestock with food that meets their regulatory needs. Scientific novelty. New data have been obtained on the current state of steppe communities in the arid territory of the Stavropol Territory and the correspondence of the number of grazed livestock to the pasture capacity.
steppe ecosystems, animal husbandry, feed intensity, cattle, small cattle, pasture load, natural feed, anthropogenic impact
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